Saturday, May 10, 2014

Stranded Offline

Has nothing to do with the sale,
 except that they are Baby Monkey shoes.

This is so sad - my internet is so bad that I can't stay in SL long enough to get to this sale at Baby Monkey.

Everything in the outlet upstairs is 10L for the next couple of weeks, and then they get cleaned out. It's just killing Annthrasite that she can't get there. I would have to pilfer the Baby Monkey slurl off of another blogpost, but it will probably be safer if you just use Search for the shop or get the most recent slurl off of Pixieplumb Flanagan's Picks tab.

Lludmila made about a dozen forays into The Chapter Four to pick up the group gifts there, and can't stay on long enough to show them to you. There are a lot of gifts! Lludmila loves the ionic shop for its furniture and buildings, so she also played the gacha for that shop and won a raft with a bed on it! She knows this because it was on the picture over the gacha machine. She won something else as well, but the lag was so ferocious that it didn't arrive. She almost wrote it off as a "tip" to the shop but it was in her inventory the next day. Well, phew!

Flickrstream for Ionic at The Chapter Four

Updated 10 May upstairs at Baby Monkey:


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Group Membership Sale!

Paisley Daisy February group gift.
Shoes and butterflies not included.

It will be only 10L to join the Paisley Daisy Group for the rest of the summer! Then it goes back to 100L. This is a great time to join. Old group gifts have been set out for you to scoop up. It's worth it just to get that cute Valentine's outfit [an old photo it took 40 minutes to find in my inventory].
Now, I'd love to show you more group gifts - Annthrasite picked up two today (May and Cinco de Mayo gifts), but as you can see, she's having a bit of trouble. We're giving up on SL today. It's probably not SL's fault - all the internet on my end is running slowly.

May group gifts and Sunday laaaag.

Paisley Daisy