Friday, December 24, 2010

Who Says Skirts Are Just For Men?

Lludmila bought Cal a present last year: it was a huge collection of kilt outfits that was actually transferable and some ridiculously low price for what must have been 8 to 12 outfits in authentic plaids.  And he looks gorgeous in them.  I figured we didn't need any more kilts.  Ohhhh, and then I saw this Midnight Mania kilt from b[ELLE]isima! ... in purplllllle!  So I sent the landmark to Cal (these MM and other freebies are very rarely transferable), but the more I thought about it (and having seen it on Waldron - drool, drool), the more I decided Lludmila needed one of her own.  The MM board only requires 70 hits, so I had to get up pretty early Thursday morning to get on it (having been too late on Wednesday).

There's a MM board with a dress in it, too.  Ho hum, you might say - but that comes with some magenta short boots that don't quite go with the dress but are very, very nice.  Outfits seldom come with shoes!  Hit that one, too.

The hair with the bow headband, which is perfect for Lludmila, comes in two styles and is from a lucky board at D!va.  I totally misread that as a Midnight Mania - but Lludmila's letter came up in less than 10 minutes!  I was off checking my plurks, thinking it would be a while, but - Prestone!  There is another hair also available in another lucky board, but it's a blonde updo and I figgered my luck was used up for the morning.

Shoes, of course, are from Duh!  Like, duhhhhh!  I mention them all the time.  Go back and look for the slurl - I have Christmas dinner to start working on.
Oh yeah - looks good on guys, too.

It's All Gone Quiet Over There

Here's someone I haven't heard from in a while: Dany French Touch. I was collecting my freebies, going from one advent location to another, when I caught sight of the landmark for DFT in my inventory.  If you're new to SL (or just a total cheapskate, like I am), you can go here and pick up a wealth of interesting outfits for just one Linden each.  Just look at this wall:
View of the Dollarbie Wall at Dany French Touch

There are about nine outfits for men and a dozen for women, both modern and historic.  Even the full price outfits on either side are only 150L!  And I was sorely tempted by that peachy colored one on the far right until I noticed that there are some of these dollarbies I haven't worn in a while.  Dang, that Mona outfit is cute and that's just sitting in my inventory!  The Constellation dress is something that when I wear it, I get loads of compliments.  And I love the Melissandre, a period outfit that piques the imagination: little match girl? governess? Les Misérables?  These are not cookie-cutter patterns stamped out and mass-produced in various colors, but individual textures designed and assembled with care.  Check out this store, if you haven't been there - even for a while.  If nothing else, it will remind you of great stuff in your inventories you haven't worn in a while.

By the way, that box at the bottom is the tip jar.

Update: It is so sad that Dany French Touch is no more. We miss you!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Goodies from the Bottle Bird

With Love from, Grinch, and Peace on Earth Hunt prizes

I've probably already mentioned that dirty Adored is a friend of mine, and I have no compunctions about promoting her shop, Bottle Bird.  At the moment she has three goodies out for 10L, 1L, or free and they're all really cute and timely. There's a cute red dress and peripherals for the With Love From hunt, another cute red outfit for the Grinch hunt, and snowy pjs in either pink or blue tones for the Peace on Earth hunt.  I had only stopped by to see the WLF outfit and saw the other signs. 
I've added some of my all-time favorite shoes from Ztique - which were free at the time so they're probably no longer available.  These shoes make me soooo happy.  Shoes and boots are also available at Bottle Bird, I'm just showing you hunt stuff.
Kathy now only wears the Heartsick skins.  The ones on the right are Ayame from the With Love From hunt as well, and come in all colors plus cleavages so they are worth all 10L!
The happy Christmas candy hair is from a shop that is no longer - which makes me very sad because that is truly happy, happy hair.
Bottle Bird

Monday, November 15, 2010

I Heart Boots!

Lludmila shows off more cute stuff from the FTLO Fall Hunt.

This is the hunt where you look for the little robot that people make as small as possible sometimes. Grr!  Hee!  Actually, the best part of the hunting is finding the item.  The opening and trying out of stuff takes forever and just mounds up one's inventory.  I'm trying desperately to get my below 38K.  This hunt did not help.  "Just stop going on hunts," I hear you say.  

My response: What are you, high?  [For the amusement of Bostonians who might read this.]

At left, the qipao and on the right, the tweed outfit (less the bulky sweater bottom).

It's nice to see something modest included in hunt gifts.  I'm used to deleting things that are too slutty, so a high neckline and long sleeves is a real treat!  And, yes, it may make Lludmila look short, but she is short: 4'8".
Some of these items might be from other hunts or casual freebies found elsewhere, but mainly I was on the FTLO.  The qipao, for instance, was the Silk Road Hunt gift.  

Incredibly plunging neckline outfit from Snatch
Vine n Strap Boots from Malfean Visions
Warm Tweed Pants, sweater, n stole from Tyranny Designs
Black Brocade Qipao/Cheongsam from Montaigne Noire

The White Armory and Paris Metro

The White Armory switched from a weekly gift to a 50L group bargain (which was confusing because I don't recall getting the notecard) for two weeks, but has since added a freebie as well.  Spending 50L makes me a little more choosy (even though these gowns originally went for 899L) so I didn't get all the bargain ones, but this was luscious with its red and gold oriental pattern, and I am my mother's daughter after all.

Paris Metro has a new hunt item out that blew me away.  Something about dark blue (although the name relates to black snow) makes gowns my favorites and it goes great with that Clawtooth hair.  It could be my sapphire engagement ring.  It doesn't come with the wings.  Kathy was wearing that for Wings Night at Grizzy's.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Zombie Continues To Inveigle Her Way Into SL Couture

Okay, now Lludmila is getting Previews of Coming Hunt Attractions!  Ooooo! OOoooo! OOOOOoooo!

Pictured is the FLTO Fall Hunt gift from Bottle Bird, a fall-colored top and coordinating tights - and Lludmila is absolutely delighted. It goes so well with the Clawtooth bargain hair and the ever-present Duh! flats (she knew the bronze ones would go with that top!).  The burnt orange shows off that green zombie pallor so well!  Hurry on down and get this outfit, it's just the ticket for the season ... Does that make it a season ticket?  [Lludmila glowers at the blogger's bad pun.]

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Undead and Beheaded

So, it's just boring to show the same old gorgeous White Armory gowns each time the same old way ...

Here's the Venus gown, this week's group gift ... the perfect thing for that haunting you've been intending to get around to.

Dead Clown Parade skin: very old gift from Ken's Store
Dress: This week's group gift The White Armory
Halloween pose with head: freebie from Kabuki Creations.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Undead Just Love Quirky

The name of this store is Fashionably Dead.

And I'm sure the creators aren't that thrilled with "quirky," but that's what I call it.  I used to get my panties in a twist when my stuff was called "whimsical."  I thought they were hard-hitting, cutting-edge cartoons about woolybear caterpillars and other fuzzy animals.  Ahem, anyway - I was noodling about one night and saw a reference to a shop called Fashionably Dead, so, of course, I had to visit. The location, Tableau, has been around for quite a while (est. 2007 - hee hee!) and is full of quirky little shops with their quirky fashions and skins and all the other materials for a quirky virtual existence.  Clawtooth and Pig are there ... and speaking of them -
They both have some cute prizes in the Seasons hunt thingie where you look for the leaf.  The badly buttoned leafy sweater is at the Pig main store.  The terrific red hair with turning leaf accent is from Clawtooth.  Love the retro style!  One of my favorite hairs is the updo with the kitten in it.  That and some flats (from Duh!) and some capris and I'm all 60s again!  Jeans and shirt under the sweater (for modesty - this is the Unslutty and Undead blog) from post immediately preceding raving on and on about Paris Metro.  Yeah, okay, I can be quirky and glam!  Why do you think I have more than one av?

Anyway, drop by Fashionably Dead, and while you're on Tableau, wander around and enjoy the sights and other shops.

They're At It AGAIN!

First of all, if you're in the Paris Metro update group, you get an invitation to their parties and "hints" for their hunts. Secondly, they offer this fabulous fall gown for the Halloween Hunt:

And then a very nice casual set for the Fortuneteller's Hunt ...

And they give out thank you gifts!  We should be the ones thanking them!  Je vous remercie mil fois!

Necklace and earrings by GaNKeD, of course.
Updo, Sophia, by Vignette
Bob, XXI, by SyDS
Cute flats by DUH - I mean, duhhhh!  Bargain footwear galore!
Crow earrings were by Djinn and Tonic, a shop that might possibly be found here but the earrings were for a special themed show.
There are also some hidden shoes under the Paris Metro gown, but you can hardly see them, so do you really care that they came from Virtual Impressions?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Black and White and Hasu

 A happy conjunction of black and white themed freebies.
And, OMG, this is right out of a Japanese print - a lotus mermaid outfit.
Cute asian-themed shorts and top (and bunny ears out of sympathy with Lludmila)

Every time I do a hunt I swear it's my last, but then I see something really cute (actually, it's not pictured here because Lludmila's condemned to bunnitude for another 3 weeks) and end up slogging from one store to another.  
This time we have some black and white pieces that just seemed to go together (although you probably have some doubts about the men's plaid dock shoes going with the ballet tutu), a mermaid fantasy in gold (I do have a mermaid AO, but I actually liked the model pose with this outfit better - and, besides, the AO knocked one of the armlets off and I was too lazy to attach it to another point), and a lucky red and black casual outfit that called out for a casual (if not slightly slutty) pose.

Hair: Toss Me Around, an old freebie from Bishwear
Skin in first picture: Fior di Perle for the Icon Hunt and good luck finding it because I had trouble even going back and checking the second time!
necklace: GaNKeD, of course
bangles: HOC Industries 
tutu: Silver Rose Design - chibi wafun hunt
mini bunny ears: The Black Canary - also the chibi wafun hunt on Roman
shoes: Duh Icon gift
Hasu_Meigetsu/lotus mermaid: Rose Princess from the chibi wafun hunt on Roman
skin: Illusion: Pure Morning from Heartsick yadda-yaddah
shorts n top: Kohiki Main Store - chibi wafun hunt that was all over the Roman sim.
big bunny ears: Deluxe Bunny set from Curio Obscura

More Hair!

 One old hair and three new ones ... 
Short styles ... and another old style below ...

Both Lludmila and Kathy love the SyDS hairs.  There are some new ones there right now, plus some amusingly colored ones in the lucky boards for Halloween.  My RL(tm) hair is never under any control, so I used to prefer the system hair, which was never flyaway or out of place.  Now I'm getting off on the very casual looks of combined hard and flexi-prims.  As much as I love my long hair, the short styles are  now appealing to me.  What I'm trying to achieve is a natural look, not perfection.  These hairs are perfect.
Of course, SyDS also has some sillier hairs and I love them, too.
Kathy in a high wind and zero G!

Skin: Illusion, Pure Morning from Heartsick
Top: courtesy of Kokihi in the chibi wafun hunt on Roman
Eyes: Gemstone G04 Umedama Holic 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fashion Blog-togopher Caught In Slutty Outfit

Well, let me explain.  I hang out at Grizzy's Cafe and they raise money for charity there.  Lately I've been short some Ls, so when Grizzy mentioned that she doubted they would make their goal of 60,000L that week because they were 16,000L short, I asked if there was something I could do.

Essentially, I bet them that they couldn't raise that amount in the three days left.  If I was wrong, I would wear the bunny suit for a month.  This was announced to the Cafe Group and, to get the rabble inspired, I taunted them on Group IM.  [Grizzy also agreed to wear the outfit for a further 2 weeks.]  Well, it worked.  They raised the money in two days and I have to wear the sleazy men's club waitress outfit for four weeks.  Fortunately, it's September, and there are only 30 days.

To help me through this dark period of couture, I have been given some special uniforms to mix in with the plethora of colors I'm embarrassed to admit I already own, although I had to tailor my own ears by adding some fun textures to the Curio Oscura ears and coordinating the cuffs, collar, etc.).  This is the SL equivalent of being given a few yards of material and being told to get busy. If you want to see them, you'll just have to come by the Cafe some evening or check Grizzy's Flickr Group page.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Cross Posting

Grizzy has issued a statement on how she plans to commemorate 9/11 this year in SL, and I thought I would go along with it - I have put this picture and the following statement on my profile:

"To show solidarity with my Islamic brothers and sisters who have had their faith vilified as a result of the actions of extremists, I will be dressing my avatar in the traditional Islamic hijab for Tues - Sat this week."

Sunday, September 5, 2010

It's Not All RFL

This is the thank-you gift for people who contributed to Skye Qi's medical mission (as mention in a previous post) - a traditional Honduran dress.  I'm loving it!

As worthy as Relay For Life is (and as much time as it seems to linger), there are other opportunities in-world to make a difference.  At Grizzy's Cafe there are several causes you can donate to if you miss RFL: the Pixel To Pixel Foundation, War Child, and Love 146.  They also have information on what the charities are all about.  If you haven't the money to spare, but don't mind being seen in sexy bunny costumes, you can also join the Bunny Army at that location, a group that uses fluffy ears and tails to raise money for various charities.  I promise to withhold judgment on the sluttiness of the costumes if you are doing it for such worthy causes.

Dress: Freebie at Vintage Apparel (home of the Lludmilla gown)
Hair: Sadie in Blonde Frost from Exile
Skin: Lludmila (!) zombie skin in the Twisted Hunt at Absentia
Shoes: Ummmm, drat! Forgot to put them on.  But you can't go wrong at Duh!
Flies: actually paid for them! at RC-Cluster where you can find lots of hilarious stuff

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Once upon a time, llittle Lludmila heard on Plurk that a friend of hers had had an outfit named after her and she went to the store to look at it (and, of course, to snag the free copy of it in the chest).  She sighed wistfully.  We took a picture and posted it on the Flickr page.  Today, on her typist's mom's birthday (August 1), Skye Qi finally tracked Lludmila down (not that hard - she's the only double-L one in-world) and asked if she would like to have a gown named after her.  "Would I?!"

This will be a non-vintage gown (which is okay, because Lludmila swings both ways) for a new non-vintage line.  We are soooo excited!

Skye shows off an example of the forthcoming dress to The Eponymous Lludmila!  Skye looks The Eponymous Lludmila over and remarks, "You'll have to shorten the skirt."  

Both Skye and The Eponymous Lludmila are now trying to think of a way to get Llinden dollars named after them.

Three of the nine colors of the Lludmila dress which comes with matching evening bag.

Tee hee!  Lludmila is sooo proud to see her name on not just zombie skins, but gowns!

Update, September 4: Skye Qi now has the Lludmila gown as well as other outfits available in her shop Vintage Apparel.  There will be a 50L color available for each of the gowns in her new line, ~Glitz~, based on interesting textures.  Also, there is a free Honduran dress available in a nearby chest as a thank you for donations for medical mission for the needy there.  This fundraiser was very successful.  They saw 867 patients and filled over 3,000 prescriptions.  SL bought about 6,000 adult and kids' vitamins.  

Not Untouched by Dany

I had only logged on to SL to get some slurls to finish some unpublished posts and my September gift from the Dany French Touch group (which I was clever enough to join back when it was free - now it's 150L!).  There was this gorgeous gown and a suit for men, too!
Lludmila is pleased as punch with this! Now if she only had an occasion to wear it ...

If you didn't join the group, the dress and the men's outfit are dollarbies at Dany French Touch in New Toulouse.  

Cal Before the Mast

Hair: a former freebie from Waka & Yuki
Gown: the September Group Gift from Dany French Touch.

Hair: old freebie, Hinder by Bryce 
Job Suit: Dollarbie from Dany French Touch (he's so relieved he didn't have to stalk the lucky chair again!)
Shoes: Men's leather dress shoes 20L or 10 colors for 100L - a huge bargain! at Duh!  Also, they have a comfy lucky armchair and Cal won a pair of camo men's boots just for showing up to check the slurl!

Hair So Pretty - I Could Just Cry!

I found some lovely hairs recently ...
Up-do with enormous flower from Waka & Yuki no longer free.

I often see hair on the freebie blogs and wish they came in Lludmila shades (white to grey to platinum blonde), but I go get them anyway because Kathy could wear them, or some other shape I have. This one had this humongous black flower thing on it and I wondered if you could change that ... and found out you could change the hair color as well! Well, hot damn!
Cap and side ponytail also from Waka & Yuki.

The same with this one: change the hair color and the cap color. Those are tears of joy! The color change leaves just a touch of contrasting color - nice!
Lludmila loves a cute short cut.

And then, one of my favorite places, !SyDS!, had some new hair (also dark) in the lucky boards. I decided I loved this short cut after I tried the dark, so I bought the "milk" shade. There is also a new hair with a tiny pigtail.

Bottle Bird

On the For the Love of Science Hunt, I found a stuffed prize box at this quirky shop called Bottle Bird, run by a friend.  I love that you can go either way with the tees:
Note the Team Dawkins shirt ... for us atheists ... and the fractal leggings.
Gasp! Don't tell my Humanist friends I'm wearing the Team God tee!  
Yipes!  I'll lose all my cred!  But it went so nicely with the high-waist skirt!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Return of the Decomposition Notebook

True to her word, Jupiter has reworked the zombie skins and they will be available for the Twisted Hunt, starting tomorrow, the hunt itself starting here.
As you can see, Lludmila is really happy about that.  But even happier that the prize box contains not just the doll skins, the key, and 3 lovely green zombie skins ...
... but the zombie skins are named after her!  Yay!  I feel so - so validated!  Oooo, lookit the nice lip color!  There's a bright red evening lip, this lighter (perhaps coral) color, and the pale lips as in the photo at top.

The super-stuffed Absentia Twisted Hunt prize will be hidden somewhere near here.  Bwah-ha-haaa!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Taking a Back Seat

Friday must've been Bumday on the hunts.  There I am, minding my own bidness and ... there they are.
Hanging out of their pants and sticking out of their prim skirts.  Our default view of ourselves is from behind - how can they (a) like that view and (b) not notice?
You can put together a lovely (?) outfit, but how can you tell if your bum's too big?  Check out your AO.  Do your hands embed themselves in your cheeks?  I know there are animations for avs with "larger features" - I've seen them.  Invest in some realism.
OMG, it just didn't stop!  And what's the point of teensy hands hanging next to that huge caboose?  "Ladies,"* please get a sense of proportion.

*I always suspect a guy behind the big behinds, but I could be wrong.

Pick and Choose

I have nothing but the greatest love for Heartsick skins.  They are utterly gorgeous.  Oh, I might grumble a bit about the shading under the lower lip which seems slightly excessive and the eye make-up here on the Platinum Hunt prize might be leaning a bit towards raccoon, at least in my opinion - but check out that cleavage!  Is that not convincing?  The lip coloring is pretty and not garish, the face seems to glow.  What's not to love?  I do however remember grousing while I was searching for the prize that searching for something and then paying for it is actually called "shopping."  It seemed like damned cheek that I'm paying 10L (what is that in RM, not even 3 cents?) and I have to look for it.  At least that was until I found the box.  When I found it, with the several skin tones and bewb options, I nearly hugged it. 

I liked the hair prize from Exile - which reminds me of a style that could be nicknamed "Matron on Drugs," but in a good way.  But I liked this one.  No, really.  I went looking for it especially.  Maybe the  pearl set makes it look matronly.
Heartsick skin, Exile hair from the Platinum Hunt - 10L per prize.

Same skin, different hair - and isn't she a cheeky thing, peeking out from under that bang!
ploom hair, also the Platinum Hunt.

Lludmila is ever so grateful when some version of white is included in some fatpack of hair colors.  There were at least two in the Exile and ploom offerings.  I've tried other colors on her little head, but they just don't look right.
Thank you, designers who contribute freebies and even the low-cost prizes to hunts.  I don't really begrudge you the 10L - I'm just short of Ls lately.

Shapes: I create my own shapes; I just tinker until it looks like something natural and attractive to me.  The Zombie skin is from Absentia.  Eyes by Perefim Cao from the old [OMFG].

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Again, The White Armory

I'm not sure why Lludmila had to find out about the latest group gift from The White Armory from one of the freebie blogs (see list at right - subscribe, subscribe, subscribe), as she is a group member.  The best we can figure is that the notice is hidden deep in one of the group messages/notecards or they just show up every Sunday.  How can this be?  How can they put out freebies like this so frequently?!

Anyway, Lludmila was so excited, she forgot to put her flies back on.  Just look at the textures!  This, like, totally assuages my Barbie-jones.

Gown by The White Armory
Coral hair by Hairy Situations :(((
Shoes by - "Shoes?  What shoes?  I don't need no stinkin' shoes!"

Goth and More

Is it possible to be an unslutty goth? Just pick the bits that cover the important bits. There's lots to choose from at the Lapointe and BastChild Freebie area.

Yes, especially if you cross your arms over your bewbs. And there's Lludmila's favorite end of the color spectrum again.

The freebie area has a good selection of "separates" that you can sling together and stay covered. There are also dresses, gowns, and some delightfully scary role-play costumes - for men as well as women.

Lludmila really liked the leopard neko skins that were available. The tiger ones ... made her face look fat. These were adorable and the maribou is helping to cover up the naughty bits to aid in the unslutty. Sort of. Hee!

Gothic Clothing "Urban Angel", "Tartan Nocturnal" womens boots, "Gothique Opera" Jade Satin Formal, "Crushed Silk" Black goth separates, and "Leopard Noir" Neko skins in black and ivory by Lapointe & BastChild
Antoinette hair in first set by Novocaine
Black stiletto bootlets (50L) by Sugar
Adena hair in second set by Amacci
Maribou Peignor set by Digital Knickers ... no longer available?
Maribou mules by Sin
Ears and tail sold separately, ¡Olé!

We'll Always Have Paris Metro

At least, I hope we do.  In this post are photos of twelve, twelve, outfits that Lludmila has snagged free from Paris Metro or their art gallery for just visiting or as part of a hunt.  If they never give out one more thing, they have certainly contributed more than necessary to the beautification of avatars.  Witness:
 Pink and black animal print gown, bronze gown, yellow print dress and hat.
 Gowns in Lludmila's favorite end of the spectrum (note how happy she is in the center photo where she also has that gathered chiffon at the top - she just loves that!).
 Pink to purple gowns - Oooo, have to love the pink organza with the black spots!
Pants outfit, black and silver outfit with the gathering up top again (Woot!) and something with a touch of red.

I had taken all the photos, arranged them and photoshopped them, and then what happens?  There's another free gown!  Are these people crazy or what?  This is the Barbie experience I didn't have as a child.  Oh sure, I had dolls (I had Midge, actually - I was destined just to be someone's sidekick, I suppose) but my parents weren't going to shell out for the outfits.   I had to be content with clothes made from scraps or just fancy handkerchiefs tied around Midge's neck.  

Lludmila is my little Zombarbie.  But, oddly enough, decades later I can't bring myself to shell out for outfits either.  Wonder where that came from, eh?  Thank you, Paris Metro, for allowing me to live out my Barbie fantasy ... for free.  Y'all are just too nice.  Put up a tip jar or something.

Note on the skirts: I especially like the way the panels move, so I'm always snapping a photo either right after attaching the skirt (which means taking it off and putting it on again a few times) or after switching poses, whichever gives just the right flounce or twirl.

Paris Metro
Yellow bows shoes from Baby Monkey
Camel shoes from Glamorize
Gold and silver sandals from S H E Magic
Melanie and other hair from EMO-tions (there are more hairs for just 1L each)
Small fly swarm by RC Cluster
Jewelry from GaNKed, of course, another shop run by crazy people.