Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fashion Blog-togopher Caught In Slutty Outfit

Well, let me explain.  I hang out at Grizzy's Cafe and they raise money for charity there.  Lately I've been short some Ls, so when Grizzy mentioned that she doubted they would make their goal of 60,000L that week because they were 16,000L short, I asked if there was something I could do.

Essentially, I bet them that they couldn't raise that amount in the three days left.  If I was wrong, I would wear the bunny suit for a month.  This was announced to the Cafe Group and, to get the rabble inspired, I taunted them on Group IM.  [Grizzy also agreed to wear the outfit for a further 2 weeks.]  Well, it worked.  They raised the money in two days and I have to wear the sleazy men's club waitress outfit for four weeks.  Fortunately, it's September, and there are only 30 days.

To help me through this dark period of couture, I have been given some special uniforms to mix in with the plethora of colors I'm embarrassed to admit I already own, although I had to tailor my own ears by adding some fun textures to the Curio Oscura ears and coordinating the cuffs, collar, etc.).  This is the SL equivalent of being given a few yards of material and being told to get busy. If you want to see them, you'll just have to come by the Cafe some evening or check Grizzy's Flickr Group page.

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