There's a MM board with a dress in it, too. Ho hum, you might say - but that comes with some magenta short boots that don't quite go with the dress but are very, very nice. Outfits seldom come with shoes! Hit that one, too.
The hair with the bow headband, which is perfect for Lludmila, comes in two styles and is from a lucky board at D!va. I totally misread that as a Midnight Mania - but Lludmila's letter came up in less than 10 minutes! I was off checking my plurks, thinking it would be a while, but - Prestone! There is another hair also available in another lucky board, but it's a blonde updo and I figgered my luck was used up for the morning.
Shoes, of course, are from Duh! Like, duhhhhh! I mention them all the time. Go back and look for the slurl - I have Christmas dinner to start working on.
Oh yeah - looks good on guys, too.