Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Weekend's Here!

Time to relax - maybe do a little mending ...
Now that I'm a bona fide-y fashion blogger (ha!), I get previews of coming attractions and then just when I am preparing to take a photo (setting up my photo box with poser, shedding my dancing duds), SL crashes on me (could that have anything to do with the 37,000+ item inventory I carry about with me? Naaah!).  I figger, it's late, I'll just go to bed and do this in the morning.
So, after a refreshing sleep, interrupted only by two cats using me as a trampoline so they get fed, here is this weekend's Project Themeory Offering from Bottle Bird.  There is also a green tee that goes with it, but the jeans are what is so cute.  Not just the sweater leg, but look at the safety pin holding the top closed!  Hahahaha-hem.  Been there, done that.  The motto on the dark pink tee reminds me of my mom who used to say, "Use it up, wear it out, make it do."  She mentioned that to a friend of hers once who responded, "That's sick!"
Perhaps this explains the 37,000+ items in my inventory.  The pixels just don't wear out!

Also, you may recall my homage to Dany French Touch a while back.  Yesterday I got a new box of Freebies (men's and women's) and was excited all over again.

New Dany French Touch outfit and Secret Shelf boots
So, I get ready to do another sycoph- umm glowing post on her stuff and this morning there is another notice - that everything in the shop is free.  There are about 20 outfits each for men and women - all unique.  Now, that should keep you busy this weekend.

Bottle Bird Project Themeory jeans and tee
flats ... don't remember, just wear them allll the time.
Dany French Touch Black and white dress with panniered skirt, puff sleeves, trailing ... arm thingies.
Secret Shelf Dirigible Damsel Stiletto boots, color changing with Steampunk option, only 49L!!!

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