Monday, April 26, 2010

Tacky and Me

This was a sweet outfit that was free from some hunt (I'm sure) from LVs&Co. The hair was a freebie from Curious Kitties, who regularly has freebies. The free color change HUD they gave out conveniently changes all hair colors to something little Lludmila would wear. Nice! Thanks, Curious Kitties! Now each time there's a free hair, I can make it work on Lludmila even if it was some other color!

The minute I unpacked this outfit I knew it was a Lludmila thing and annotated the file folder to reflect that which now reads "Plaid hoodie dress - very Lludmila" and is filed under "babydoll dresses" in the "Dresses, short" phylum. Having over 35,000 items in your inventory cries out for taxonomy. Being of German extraction, this makes my genes hum.

Sorry about the naked feet. I put some flats on later. I had just finished with a book discussion I was supposed to be leading and was having some trouble getting attachments on, so I went for covering the bits and pieces and let the toes wait. Then forgot all about them. In Real Life, the shoes come off immediately and stay off.

I've blogged about Duh! elsewhere (on some other blog or another) and they still don't know how to charge for their shoes, thank Om! These flats are so cute, come in a bunch of colors, and I wear them all the time. Somehow having plantar's fasciitis in RL has put me off high heels in my virtual life as well. Hmmmm. Also, I'm nostalgic for that early 1960s fashion (yes, I'm old enough to remember) of capris and flats. So very Mary Tyler Moore!

And doncha just love garden flamingos? I do. I might not be slutty, but I do love tacky! There's room for all sorts here in the virtual world.

There, I got through a whole post without ragging on someone else's look! [Note to self: go take temperature.]

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